Your TM6 is coming!!
I am so excited to introduce you to your Thermomix in the coming weeks. As you prepare for its arrival there are a few things to consider.
Just for hosting a demo (online or in home) with 2 friends you can get a Host Reward plus a 20% discount Mixshop code. This is by-far the best way to get started with your TM6 & customer rave about the tips they learn.
Alternatively if you don't wish to demo we can instead jump on the phone or online together & this qualifies you for a 10% discount Mixshop code.
Let me know which you prefer & what date suits.
While you are awaiting your delivery there are some things you can do to get started...

1. Sign up to the 30 day free trial on www.cookidoo.com.au
Once your TM6 arrives, you will sign into Cookidoo on your TM and it will give you 6 months free subscription. Please use the website (not the app) until your TM arrives.
2. Join my customer support group
If you are on Facebook, please join my Facebook or Instagram. You will find me here on weekdays, inspiring you to get more from your Thermomix.
3. Organise a date for your Delivery Celebration
This is a demo where you invite 2 or 3 friends over to celebrate the arrival of your Thermomix. We will make 3 amazing dishes as you learn the next level tips to your Thermomixing. This can be done via dial-in or in-person depending on where you are located. Having your friends there additionally qualifies you for a discounted host reward (see the image below for a Host Reward).

Please keep in contact & don't ever hesitate to reach out to me. Customer Care is my number one priority and I will be giving you a call or texts on occasions to check-in on how your Thermomix Journey is going. If you are needing some new bakeware, cookbooks, spatula or any other Thermomix accessories, don't forget to check out TheMix Shop for all your Thermomix needs. Please remember to check my name is displayed.
I appreciate the ongoing support of my business by referring your friends, hosting demonstrations & your continual striving to get more from your Thermomix investment.
Talk soon ~Diana Trifan~